Case Study: Self-Efficacy in First Generation College Students

Tufts University
First Generation
College Student
Career Readiness

Daniela Pozos Nicolau, Tufts University

Somerville, MA

Daniela took MindPrint while a college student at Tufts University. Daniela is now pursuing a career in education and says that offering MindPrint to her students will always be a top priority.

Daniela was a top performing high school student, accepted to some of the most prestigious colleges in the country. When she matriculated at Tufts she immediately felt the academic gap that many first generation and low-income college students experience when entering a predominantly white institution. Daniela sought support from the FIRST Resource Center which is designed to ensure these high potential students have the same supports and resources as their peers from other communities and backgrounds.

Jared Smith, Director of the BLAST program and FIRST Resource Center at Tufts encourages all students to take the MindPrint assessment. "It's an opportunity for our students to develop the learner agency they need to take on the inevitable challenges everyone faces at a prestigious university like Tufts. MindPrint enables them to work through challenges so they learn how to be successful at Tufts and beyond. MindPrint shows them how to help themselves."

Daniela graduated from Tufts in May 2021. She is now the Assistant Director of Post-Secondary Pathways at Youth Development Organization in Lawrence, MA. She wants all of her students at Abbott Lawrence Academy to have MindPrint and experience the same life-changing opportunity.
Daniela Pozos Nicolau
2021 Tutfts University Graduate
MindPrint was truly life-changing for me academically. Every student deserves to know this about themselves.